Vegan Camping & Other Vegan Finds

Fair Week and Beyond...

· Vegan,Family and Community,Camping and RVing,Photography
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This photo was taken last night but most of the other photos in this post will be from weeks prior. I have been stay more at the fairgrounds this year and have enjoyed our camper more than ever before. Cricket is now the only furkid and we have been trying to get her used to it. She's not great around other dogs which is strange because she grew up in a multi-dog family up until this year. She likes my parents dog but not many others. I hope that changes. Anyways, this was the view from our camper last evening. It was raining, the sun was shining, and there was a HUGE rainbow.

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This photo was taken during fair week. The clouds were amazing and this photo didn't do it justice. Regardless, I had to at least TRY to capture it.

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We have a local shop that is really wonderful here called Allegheny Outfitters. The owners are great! One of them graduated a year before me. They are super involved in the community and volunteerism, too! They have some awesome stuff in there shop! This past summer I located several camping meals. Many of them were vegetarian and even vegan! This one is the Lentil Lunch by Bushka's Kitchen. I haven't tried it yet but will soon. You just heat and serve.

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This one here is from Backpacker's Pantry and was another heat and serve that I tried. It was pretty decent. I did add more blueberries to this because I had them on hand. It was quite filling! You can pour the hot water right in the bag, seal it, and wait a few moments and it's ready to eat! Clever!

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Also from the same company is this stew. I read the back of the package and couldn't find any animal products listed so it looked vegan to me. I'm also looking forward to trying this one soon.

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Then there was this one. Looks like a great lunch or dinner. I'm interested how this turned out, too!

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I found these winners at our local ALDI. I'm glad I went back to grab more because they are now sold out. This has been one of my favorite ALDI Vegan Products to date. Vegan Chicken & Waffle Sandwiches. They are super easy to make - just pop them in the microwave - and add a topping. I'm not usually one for meat alternatives but this was pretty great.

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I also grabbed these because they were new to our ALDI. I can't say I was a fun of them. I'll try anything vegan once but I probably won't buy these again. The sauce wasn't bad but the texture of the meatless balls was strange.

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I found Marmite for 99 cents at one of the discount stores so I had it on bagels one morning leading up to fair.

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Jake Worthington was the opener for Travis Denning on Tuesday at our fair this year. We also had the Kentucky Head Hunters on Wednesday. Then there was a Foreigner Tribute that is popular here in the region called Blue Morning. They did great!

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I'm on the Entertainment Committee, VIP Committee, and Gates Committee so I stayed busy that week.

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In preparation for Fair Week I found 2 Dessert Hummus' over at ALDI. I haven't tried this Peach Cobbler one yet but I have tried the Mixed Berry one...

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I'm not usually a fan of sweet hummus but this one was pretty decent.

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Another interesting thing from fair week was this HUGE Zuchini. It was over 3 and a half feet long. A sight to see that's for sure!

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And finally, the company I work for sponsored our Veteran's Ceremony and passed out free food and goodies to veteran's. It was a nice day and week!