The Snow can go away now. Seriously! Uggg. We are supposed to get more of it. And more frigid temps. I fully admit that I fall into the "Winter Blues". The struggle is REAL. On top of that AND COVID - I'm just getting cranky. At least I admit it, right?
I haven't been on a Grocery Shopping Adventure in FOREVER so I haven't seen or bought any new Vegan Product and in my town it's the 'same old stuff' but they are pricing it higher and higher. I've been doing more Whole Foods/Plant Based things BUT the produce here isn't of good quality in the stores we do have so I have been buying the items that actually DO look good which is minimal. I'm not much of a canned food person but I don't mind canned beans. I usually opt for frozen - if I can't get fresh - veggies here.
I saw this pic and LOVED it! I think I need to get one for myself. Speaking of work spaces...I really need to re-work my home work space. I am really getting bogged down with some of the volunteering stuff and need to make it more user friendly for all of those additions and such. More on that in a future post.
Oddly, I have been sleeping a LOT lately. Which is GOOD but also very different for me since I haven't for YEARS! I've been going to sleep at night REALLY early and then naturally wake up at 5:30-6:30am or so and don't want to move because it's too cold and Ms. Cricket is snuggled on my lap. The routine is getting to me...wake up...go to work...go a little something...go to sleep...repeat. I need to break that SOON.